Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Get E-mail alerts to your mobile

            Now a days all of us have several e-mail accounts in several web-based E-mail clients like Gmail, Yahoo, Hot-mail, and others. When a mail is received, they don't alert us by sending a sms. 
Today we see how to get a sms when a new mail is coming to our inbox. This is a simple process and it's free.

To get sms alerts first requirement is your mail client should support email forwarding feature. of-course nowadays all popular e-mail clients are supporting this feature.
in this post i will show how to set gmail alerts to your mobile.
we are using way2sms service to get e-mail alerts. so you need a way2sms account. if you don't have a account please create one.
go to way2sms site, and create a account.
open your way2sms account.

click on mail alerts tab.
when we create a way2sms account, they also create a way2sms mail id like "" for receiving our mails.
first copy the way2sms mail-id.

now go to gmail account
then click on gear icon in the upper right corner, and click on "mail settings".
click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP"

now select the button "Add a Forwarding Address"
now a dialog box appers, paste the way2sms mail id in it.
click on "Next"
now a confirmation code will be sent to your way2sms inbox.

goto your way2sms account click on "Inbox" tab.
click to view the message, and select the confirmation code in it.

if you don't receive a confirmation message click on "send verification again" in the Gmail settings.
again go to your Gmail account paste the confirmation code in the verification box, click on verify.

select "forward a copy of incoming mail to.." radio button.
select "Save Changes" in the bottom of the page.

now you can receive a sms alert, when a message is came to your Gmail account.
like this you can also set other mail clients alerts to your way2sms account. but your mail client must support forwarding feature.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the information jeff.. but the service mentioned by you is not a free one..
