Saturday, December 10, 2011

Protecting your pendrive by write-protect it

Are you using your pen drive in many systems and infecting it regularly. if yes you must searching for a way to protect your pendrive's data. here is a way. by using this tip you can using your pendrive in a infected system without getting a virus.

Before use your pendrive in a infected system, first follow the following procedure.
this is a registry hack.
so first open your run box and type "regedit".
the registry editor will open now.

select "SYSTEM".
select "CurrentControlSet".
now click on "Control"
here create a key with name "StorageDevicePolicies"
to create a key right click on "Control", select "new" and select "Key"
then type the name of the key as "StorageDevicePolicies"

after creating the key now you have to create a Dword value in it.
to do that right click on "StorageDevicePolicies", select "new", and then "DWORD Value"
type the name of the Dword as "WriteProtect".
double click on the "WriteProtect" and give value 1.

After complete the above procedure you can use your pendrive in the infected system, without any fear.
you don't need to restart the system.

NOTE:this procedure will writeprotect all the usb devices in that system, so you can't copy any data into usb drives.
to remove the write-protect go to the "WriteProtect" key and change it's value into 0.

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